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NEWS: Donnie out | Nico Harrison (Nike) as Pres/GM | Fin as VP | Dirk as Advisor
A few random thoughts...

I can't say that I'm glad Donnie and Carlisle are gone.  I like both and the grass isn't always greener.  However, the level of dysfunction and the resulting insubordination within the organization were untenable.  Something had to give.  I don't know enough to take sides, but the status quo was the worst of all worlds.

It does appear Donnie was fired and Rick quit.

The Carlisle thing was't a surprise to me.  Some weeks back I posted about Hollinger making an odd statement that he "wouldn't be surprised" if Carlisle moved on.  It was so odd the way he said it.  It was kind of like he knew something and didn't intend to let it slip.  My antennae has been up ever sense.  I'm not sure MacMahon is the best source for all things Dallas.  But, the picture he painted of the Luka/Carlisle relationship on the Lowe Post yesterday was frightening.  

I think TX Bama is at least partially right.  Luka has some growing up to do.  A lot has been placed on his 22 year old shoulders and the story isn't written yet.  But, there is a future version of him that is easy to embrace.  I can also see a future version of him that isn't as mature, likeable and coachable as I'd like.

I like that Cuban is (apparently) conducting a professional search for the POBO/GM and waiting to let the new guy hire the coach.  I have my fears.  Does he go after a big name guy pretending he will take a step back (even Jerry hired Bill Parcels once upon a time).  Does he hire someone who is happy to have the job and willing to "share" control with Mark (which will be perceived by most here as a puppet, but with fewer skins on the wall than Donnie).  What does the middle of the fairway look like on this?  

Who is having trade/draft and FA conversations on behalf of the Mavs in the meantime?

I think the damn broke on this at the TDL.  Pretty clearly we've seen that decision making has been a mess.  Whether it be the 2020 draft or most clearly the Miami fiasco at the beginning of free agency in 2019.  Cato said yesterday he's been working this since February and hinted the chorus got louder at the TDL.   I imagine the Donnie loyalists (according to Cato there were quite a few), couldn't let whatever happened or didn't happen at the TDL happen again during this off season.

I think we will look back on the last two years wondering what could have been.  Kind of two summers of lost opportunities like missing out on Giannis in the 2013 draft.  Who was Donnie et al trying to get at the TDL and why didn't it happen.  Who was holding onto space for Giannis (when the world should have known he would re-up).  What might have we done the last two years if we weren't trying to take yet another big swing for the fences?  What might have been if either version of the Miami deal had gone through.  BTW, just because Bob is apparently an acerbic egotistical prick, it doesn't mean he's wrong about every single player evaluation.  I'm still optimistic about Josh Green and pleased to know there was some basis for his selection besides just adding another continent to the roster for PR purposes Down Under.

Speaking of Analytics, has anyone ever heard Bob V. talk about KP?  

No wonder tea leaf reading has been so difficult.  We've been dealing with two sets of leaves.  Like I said Wednesday, literally everything we think we know about preferences and relationships and the basis upon which decisions are made (based on history) are all out the window now.  Literally anything could happen from a personnel standpoint this summer.  I think we can stop with the posts about Duffy clients coming here.  The Duffy relationship with Mark has always been poor.  It was the Duffy relationship with Donnie that overcame the history with Cuban.  I suspect Duffy takes a wait and see attitude rather than pushing any more of his guys this direction (its not like the JRich thing turned out like he hoped).
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RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson out as Mavs GM - by cow - 06-16-2021, 02:15 PM
RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson out as Mavs GM - by cow - 06-16-2021, 02:23 PM
RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson out as Mavs GM - by cow - 06-16-2021, 02:30 PM
RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson out as Mavs GM - by DaRiv - 06-16-2021, 02:26 PM
RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson out as Mavs GM - by WillE - 06-16-2021, 02:56 PM
RE: NEWS: Donnie Nelson out as Mavs GM | Forde's Sportsology to assist search - by DanSchwartzgan - 06-18-2021, 07:27 AM

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