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NEWS: China upset w/ NBA...NBA will lose $400 million
(10-12-2019, 08:38 PM)TXBamanut Wrote: Kerr ABSOLUTELY did compare those and he knew what he was doing.  When asked if he'd been asked about China's human rights atrocities, he deflected and said he'd neither been asked about America's atrocities and brought up AR-15s and people shooting up shopping malls.

THAT IS ABSOLUTELY a comparison and he made it...don't deflect for that moron.

If you can compare 1,000,000 Uyghur people...ONE MILLION concentration camps and people put in indefinite imprisonment or just outright shot for horrible crimes like praying BY THE GOVERNMENT to some crazy shooting up a shopping mall, then you are a complete moron and you should never speak on political issues again. 

I have FRIENDS who are missionaries in China who have had to flee from the area, in the last year or so, where they were working with the Uyghur people.  They would talk about getting calls in the middle of the night and someone's dad was just drug out of his home in front of his kids, with his wife getting beaten by Government troops, with no charges...and that's normal. 

Let me tell you too...those people would kill for the accommodations that people are up in arms about at our border.  

The stories of what they are doing to the church in that country is pathetic.  My wife taught ESL in China at a university for a summer and it's ridiculous.  When I would call her, they'd listen in on the phone calls and open our mail.  There was a list of words that I couldn't say or she'd be in trouble.  

While I FULLY believe that we have a greater responsibility to speak up about our country, because we are citizens of this country.  Still, to clap back with a citizen shooting up a shopping mall and hold that card up next to the atrocities that are sanctioned and completely by the Chinese government...geesh, you should have your public talking privileges revoked indefinitely.


Perfectly encapsulated. Nothing more needs to be said about it.

What makes what Kerr said so self-serving, is that he's attempting to draw an equivalence between the US and China, using guns and slavery--and in both cases he probably has no idea what he's talking about having heard him speak on this several times. He's protecting is money pooch because China is a massive part of the NBA and it's products, NIKE, the Bay Area etc., which is why he's claiming ignorance in the face of questioning. He's not commenting because he KNOWS the repercussions. He can say whatever he wants about us, but he HAS to hold his tongue when it comes to China which is why all of these guys are running the same lines ...

He's had NO issues making poignant statements about the US in many regards, so it's only fair that those same reporters question him about any of this. 

Fact is, he's wrong for drawing an equivalence between the US and China and it's stupid to argue that legitimately. Two, he's protecting his own ass, team and league by playing ignorance. Three, it's his right to do any of the aforementioned, just as it's my right to call him a lying, condescending sack of sht which is emblematic of those harboring left of the political spectrum. He's just another in the like of 'woke' people feigning intelligence, claiming to fight for the people while denigrating not only themselves but their country of citizenship as well. It's practically par for the course so it's not surprising. 

The other thing, is that the US has spoken up many times about what's going on in China, however, governments must maintain some level of decorum with other nations they do not morally see eye to eye with. You can play isolationist and remove yourself from the global network of allies, or you can maintain relationships while attempting to promote influence and change in those same areas.

**if you think the US hasn't said a LOT about that's going on in China, please type: into your browser window and do some research on it.
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RE: NEWS: China upset w/ NBA...teams planning for 20-21 salary cap to drop up to 15% - by luka_skywalker_77 - 10-14-2019, 10:42 AM

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