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Dameris and Followill on the Presser
I am going to try again with the podcast summaries, and will put this one in its own thread and see how it goes. 

Brian Dameris and Mark Followill offered their impressions of the press conference

Mark also interviewed Nico and Kidd one-on-one. 

They prefaced their conclusions by saying that there is a limit to what you can read into this type of press event. Hard news is rarely broken. The point is to conduct a rah-rah PR type event introducing the new guys, not to give out any information that isn’t already public. 

But with that disclaimer, here are their takeaways —

Organizational Structure

They believe it may have been very significant that Cuban admitted that there has been very little structure in the past. Management guys were just thrown into the mix. There was no traditional pyramidal structure. It was more a matter of several fiefdoms, with Cuban making decisions here and there, with or without regard to what else was going on in the organization. BD and MF observed that that led to a lot of confusion, dysfunction, and lack of communication. 

Mark noted that part of Nico’s attraction was his managerial experience. BD and MF hope that he will establish clear roles and responsibilities within a more traditional structure.

As a sort of "cabinet," the MBT will continue on, including Cuban, Kidd, Nico, Dirk, Kalkstein (sports psychologist), Finley, and Keith Grant. The hope for that group is to begin a tradition of open communication and address issues as they happen, rather than letting problems fester. 

However that may be, Cuban made very clear that he is still the decision-maker, and Nico acknowledged that publicly. Followill said that that principle limited the people that were available to hire as GM here, and Nico appears to have accepted that arrangement. In that regard, Cuban also came out and revealed that he had let Donnie go because he thought it was time for a new voice, and that Rick had indeed resigned on his own.

BD and MF think the system can work with Cuban making the decisions, but hope that they can get away from the situation where the rest of the brain trust were working hard on taking things in a certain direction, and were surprised when Cuban derailed them at the eleventh hour, seemingly out of nowhere. 


Nico’s relationships don’t begin and end with the big stars. He has a huge network of relationships with all kinds of people across the basketball spectrum — NBA, college, AAU, international; players, coaches, agents, scouts, front offices, the whole nine yards. He has experience in evaluating talent of both players and staff, and has experience managing a large group of people. In that regard, it is possible that we will see a broad changing of the guard across the Mavericks organization, maybe after a season or so. Nico lives in Dallas, and that was part of the attraction on both sides. 


Kidd gave evidence of wanting to establish a little more relaxed atmosphere. There was a lot of tension with Rick, which was intentional. Rick did not believe it was a good idea for people to get too comfortable, but after 13 years, that style may have worn a little thin. 

The press conference probably didn’t do justice to Kidd, as he is not a particularly good public speaker. He comes across much better in small groups or one-on-one. 

A big draw of the Kidd hire is his anticipated ability to relate to Luka. Example — the refs. Rick never liked Luka’s complaining to the refs. And indeed it often wasn’t working well. Followill thinks that, by the end of the season, some of the refs were looking for reasons to tee Luka up. Kidd, on the other hand, is okay with complaining to the refs as a tool, but thinks it has to be done in a respectful way. Hopefully, he can help Luka shape this tool to be more successful. 

As another example, Rick was not fond of angry outbursts from his players. Kidd understands that players will feel passion in the moment, and actually likes that, but thinks that everyone must be able to move past it and let it go very quickly. So, he may be able to help Luka in that respect. 

BD and MF think that Kidd is approaching the job with humility and a sense that he had best make the most of this chance. Kidd said he learned a great deal at the Lakers, both in terms of coaching and in terms of dealing with stars. He has wanted to come to Dallas ever since his Milwaukee stint ended, and that played into the appeal of hiring him. 

BD and MF thought it was a good thing that Kidd’s past wasn’t just swept under the rug and reporters were allowed to ask their questions. As to whether the questioners felt like they got satisfactory answers, that probably varies with the listener. 

Kidd is busy assembling his staff. It looks like Luka’s former national team coach is going to be the lead assistant. Doesn’t look likely that Barea is going to make it on the staff this season, at least not in a front row capacity. 


The Mavs’ ideal scenario is not to trade KP, but to rebuild his confidence and swag, and get him back to being a true second star. So they say, anyway. 

A spoonful of salt?

At the end of the day, having said all of the above, BD and MF reminded us that this was just a press conference. The participants were not supposed to break any news at this type of PR event, and they didn’t. What was said was interesting, but what will be far more important is what is actually done. And as for that, only time will tell. 
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Thanks so much for the great recap ML, with the caveat that I think it's a little pompous to refer to yourself in the third person.
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(07-15-2021, 05:01 PM)Scott41theMavs Wrote: Thanks so much for the great recap ML, with the caveat that I think it's a little pompous to refer to yourself in the third person.

hahaha, oh lordy
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mavsluvr, your offerings, whether game recaps, podcast summaries, or identity denials always go wonderfully!

As always, THANKS!!!!
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Cuban, RC, and Donnie will all have their side of the story but I think it's evident now that the MBT was a huge mess the last 3-4 years, with Dirk being the glue that held everything together in his final seasons. 

The truth is that all three were part of the problem...there was no single offender. The team was going nowhere in Dirk's last 3 years but they weren't going to blow it up and have Dirk retire under a new regime, which is understandable. But as soon as he played his final game after the 2019 season, that's when this shakeup should have happened.
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(07-15-2021, 05:20 PM)fifteenth Wrote: mavsluvr, your offerings, whether game recaps, podcast summaries, or identity denials always go wonderfully!

As always, THANKS!!!!

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(07-15-2021, 06:07 PM)mavsluvr Wrote: shucks

bro hug?
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(07-15-2021, 06:09 PM)fifteenth Wrote: bro hug?

fo' shizzle
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(07-15-2021, 04:52 PM)mavsluvr Wrote: The press conference probably didn’t do justice to Kidd, as he is not a particularly good public speaker. 

Understatement of the year.  Especially next to Nico, who seems built for the spotlight.  What a stark contrast.
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(07-15-2021, 05:20 PM)fifteenth Wrote: mavsluvr, your offerings, whether game recaps, podcast summaries, or identity denials always go wonderfully!

As always, THANKS!!!!

Don't forget the telecast play-by-play work. That's probably his best contribution!
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(07-15-2021, 07:46 PM)KillerLeft Wrote: Don't forget the telecast play-by-play work. That's probably his best contribution!

lol, you guys are too much
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(07-15-2021, 07:46 PM)KillerLeft Wrote: Don't forget the telecast play-by-play work. That's probably his best contribution!

Good point, but his Tickers might rival his play-by-play
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Thanks again, ML!
"There are no friends on the court." - Luka Doncic
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The press conference lets everyone know that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The new boss is the same as the old boss. Mark is the bottom line. How do these guy move Mark off of his position? How well can they accept Mark undoing legwork they may have done while doing what they thought was their job? Donnie, apparently, was pretty good at working around his feelings. He was able to advocate for the Giannis but accept that Mark wasn't going to allow him to draft who he wanted to draft. Nellie either wasn't as good at it, or got to that place quicker than his offspring. The deal with allowing Nash to get away was Nellie's line in the sand. RC's line was Mark letting Donnie go. How quickly will JKidd go from, just glad to be here, to wanting more say-so? No telling what Nico's bottom line is or what his area of expertise is. They have to check their ego at the door because, I believe, Mark has the biggest one of the bunch, and the checkbook.
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So there's the Nash debacle, the constant FA fails (including eating while everybody worthwhile got signed), Rodman signing, Rondo trade, Odom trade, two Ty Chandler snubs, draft fails (including Giannis), the recently reported Igoudala snub, the whatever-the-hell-happened-with-Miami non-trade, etc., etc. etc.

Obviously, some of this is hindsight, but does DAL seem to have more than it's share of screwups? Isn't this a sign of leadership disfunction? IF Cuban is the decision maker, as claimed, aren't a lot of these laid on his desk? Seems like there isn't much institutional learning here, like everything gets blown off as "sh*t happens". 

I'm hoping that the new management is a fresh breeze that improves the team, but if the "decider" doesn't learn from his mistakes, then I worry the freshness may change to stink from a wastewater plant.
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It's their job to dissuade MC from doing those things by reasoning with him about why those things are a bad idea, during the moment, not after the fact. Just like any exec management job. 

I think MC will be on his "best behavior" while things are new and allow these new guys to get their feet wet with his basketball team (new guys meaning Dirk, Finley, Nico and JKidd). Probably will last a year or two while he has other things he attends to within his vast business portfolio.
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(07-15-2021, 05:38 PM)SwisherPrice Wrote: Cuban, RC, and Donnie will all have their side of the story but I think it's evident now that the MBT was a huge mess the last 3-4 years,
The more we hear, the more it seems like this has been the case, and maybe even for a lot longer than 3-4 years.  

The seeming pattern of lack of structure, people not knowing who is responsible for what decision, letting problems go unaddressed for long periods of time, competing loyalties to various individuals interfering with the work, the owner swooping in and derailing ongoing business unexpectedly, the long-term tense atmosphere, lack of expertise and professionalism in certain areas, etc., etc. all speak to an amateurishly conducted organization where a certain degree of chaos limits the effectiveness of the group as a whole. 

Business organizations ideally should run like a well-oiled machine. This seems to be more a business school case of how not to run a railroad, at least as a sporting proposition. 

If what we are hearing is true, I think the finger ultimately has to be pointed at Cuban, for not imposing, or allowing another professional to impose, a businesslike structure that enables the various skills and talents to come together efficiently in support of the whole. It is difficult for success to happen in a Lord of the Flies type situation, even in an arena where the owner has the leg up of operating in a monopoly of sorts. 

I don't know how optimistic I am that things will change, tbh. Nico seems to be the one with the managerial tools and position to encourage some optimism on that front, but ultimately, he can only be as successful as his authority takes him. In that regard, I don't view it as a good sign that he was forced to acknowledge publicly at his introductory press conference that Cuban is the decision-maker, and he (Nico) is not. That was a cringeworthy part of the presentation, and Cuban sounded like the second incarnation of Jerry. 

I don't like to be a downer in a period of new beginnings. Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised. I hope so.
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If a chain of command is enacted, then Cuban should rarely entertain any underlings going over Nico’s head. That should alleviate lots of tension.
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(07-16-2021, 12:55 PM)ItsGoTime Wrote: If a chain of command is enacted, then Cuban should rarely entertain any underlings going over Nico’s head. That should alleviate lots of tension.

Yes, it should. 

"If" is the operative word here. Cuban said at the news conference that he foresees little change in the structure, although quotes indicating more authority in Nico have also been attributed to him. 

Additionally, if a chain of command is enacted, it also has to be respected operationally, even (especially?) by Cuban. 

Tbqh, it sounds to me like there's not really a plan, as far as structural matters are concerned. But we don't have complete information, and I would be very happy to learn my apprehensions are unfounded.
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(07-16-2021, 12:35 PM)mavsluvr Wrote: I don't view it as a good sign that he was forced to acknowledge publicly at his introductory press conference that Cuban is the decision-maker, and he (Nico) is not. That was a cringeworthy part of the presentation, and Cuban sounded like the second incarnation of Jerry.

I was completely unbothered by that. Cuban SHOULD have the final say (I seriously have no clue why that bothers anyone). AND he added that he does not give responsibility without also giving authority. 

I get the impression that Nico will have TONS of responsibility AND authority. He simply needs to "show his work" and convince Cuban that the big money decisions are the right one. 

Cuban is not willy-nilly doing what HE thinks is best randomly in his gut, he is making the final call after giving others the opportunity to demonstrate what is the best way forward. I think Nico will be really good at earning Cuban's trust and convincing him that the data and evidence point toward certain directions for team building. 

I think another key is that he will have a coach that will clearly be BELOW Nico in the hierarchy. I am coming to think that RC had just as much power as Donnie and it made for chaos.
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