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Players boycott games | Playoffs resume Saturday
(08-28-2020, 08:22 AM)dirkfansince1998 Wrote: There is no neutral place

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(08-28-2020, 08:51 AM)dirkfansince1998 Wrote:

So, what if owner was in room and in fair play told Beverly to shut up becauseI pay your salary?  Imagine the outcry from players then, I can only imagine.

If any player wants to make a statement, walk away from your millions per year job and join the police.  Report back in 1 year on the difference you made.

(08-28-2020, 10:12 AM)fifteenth Wrote:
(08-27-2020, 11:53 PM)ThunderMav Wrote:
(08-27-2020, 11:27 PM)BigDirk41 Wrote: Isn't in kinda ironic that the goal is to keep this thread about basketball and not politics when that's really the big disagreement with NBA fans right now. A lot of fans don't want politics with their sports. They just want to watch basketball.

Nailed it!!

Post of the year!!  

Wonder if everyone will fully understand your on target point.

Something changed here, back during LeChina Hong Kong we all spoke freely and had zero problems.  Fast forward and the only posts deleted or modified are conservative ones.  I had one modified and two deleted.  We posters never had any problems with each other until mods made it a problem.  When posters are ok with discussing back and forth why is modding needed?  This isn’t supposed to like twitter where one side is censored.  Thats what happened here.

Back to your post the very thing mods are doing is against what players are doing by injecting politics.

Thunder, I didn't delete any of your posts. I moved them to a dedicated thread.

I attempted to get everyone to reserve this thread for the boycotts, because it was a basketball topick that lots of news would be coming out about, and to move talk about the shooting to a different thread. Go back and read what I said. I just asked for you or others to have the shooting discussion in another thread (ROTW, Cave, or even a dedicated thread in the main forum!). I actually said this multiple times. I called your post inflamatory because I could forsee it creating a back and forth, right vs left, battle that would take over the boycott thread. 

And it's really ironic that you'd claim that I deleted conservative posts!!! I didn't. And the only post I deleted was one attacking you because of your conservative views!!! 

Pay attention, pal. 

Man, mod-ing is thankless work.

(08-28-2020, 02:23 AM)Darth Cuban Wrote:
(08-27-2020, 11:53 PM)ThunderMav Wrote:
(08-27-2020, 11:27 PM)BigDirk41 Wrote: Isn't in kinda ironic that the goal is to keep this thread about basketball and not politics when that's really the big disagreement with NBA fans right now. A lot of fans don't want politics with their sports. They just want to watch basketball.

Nailed it!!

Post of the year!!  

Wonder if everyone will fully understand your on target point.

Something changed here, back during LeChina Hong Kong we all spoke freely and had zero problems.  Fast forward and the only posts deleted or modified are conservative ones.  I had one modified and two deleted.  We posters never had any problems with each other until mods made it a problem.  When posters are ok with discussing back and forth why is modding needed?  This isn’t supposed to like twitter where one side is censored.  Thats what happened here.

Back to your post the very thing mods are doing is against what players are doing by injecting politics.
The post I remember seeing deleted was by HoosierDaddy. It did not look like he was making a “conservative” post.

No, you're correct. HoosierDaddy's post wasn't conservative. And I actually agreed with it, except that it called out and targeted Thunder, which is why I deleted it. 

Deleting HoosierDaddy's post was actually the only mistake I made. It offended HoosierDaddy, and I apologized to thim for it. 

I may have failed to keep the thread just about the boycott, but whatevs. Not that big a deal.

1.  Never said “you”, said a mod
2.  On iphone I don’t see these other boards you claim.  It beings me to the main topic board.  After you mentioned I had to go to top and look to and find these other boards and they are dead as a door nail.
3.  I looked and cannot find my deleted posts?
4.  Instead of modifying my post you easily could have PM’d means asked me to change offensive comments. 
5.  We never ever had any problems here until mods made them problems.  I posted at scout site and here, had over 41,000 posts at scout - never once had any problems with any poster.  Then mods made it a problem.
6.  You admit to having opposing views to me is that why you picked my post to modify and not one you agree with even if both were political in nature?
7.  Why now did you jump in to mod after years of quietness?  You sided with political views is my take

I would ask if anyone can keep an open mind and watch this video all the way through.  He explains in easy terms and I wish every player could watch it since this is what they are basing their fake outrage boycott on:


I would ask if anyone can keep an open mind and watch this video all the way through.  He explains in easy terms and I wish every player could watch it since this is what they are basing their fake outrage boycott on:

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(08-28-2020, 02:26 PM)ThunderMav Wrote: 1.  Never said “you”, said a mod
2.  On iphone I don’t see these other boards you claim.  It beings me to the main topic board.  After you mentioned I had to go to top and look to and find these other boards and they are dead as a door nail.
3.  I looked and cannot find my deleted posts?
4.  Instead of modifying my post you easily could have PM’d means asked me to change offensive comments. 
5.  We never ever had any problems here until mods made them problems.  I posted at scout site and here, had over 41,000 posts at scout - never once had any problems with any poster.  Then mods made it a problem.
6.  You admit to having opposing views to me is that why you picked my post to modify and not one you agree with even if both were political in nature?
7.  Why now did you jump in to mod after years of quietness?  You sided with political views is my take

Thunder, hopefully this helps. If not, we can take it to PM if needed. 

1. I was the only mod that did anything with any posts.
2. I also said you could start a dedicated post on the main board. I still think that's not an unreasonable request.  
3. In the last post of the page I link here (of this thread) you'll find that I gave you a link to your posts,, and explained why I moved the posts. 
4. I "could have" but instead I did what I thought to do.
5. Magick's version of the site (this one) is way less moderated than the Mike's site was, and I can't think of any problem that Mods have caused at this site. In fact, it's hard to think of any problems that have happened here at all.
6. "Admit" is a funny word. I speak freely here. Your post was the first post to introduce politics and to begin a discussion about the shooting. It was also a post that I thought would cause a political, left vs right, flame war. I asked you to have that conversation in a different thread so that this thread would be about the boycott. You freaked out and my idea didn't work anyway. 
7. I haven't really ever been quiet. I became a mod because Magick asked me to. Your political views have nothing to do with it. If you care about what I think about polticial issues, feel free to engage me.
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(08-28-2020, 10:32 AM)dirkfansince1998 Wrote:
(08-28-2020, 10:00 AM)Dahlsim Wrote: The NBA was never a neutral place. Same for other big sport leagues and events.

Speaking in absolutes here would be foolish, but the NBA and sports in general has traditionally represented a place where fans of sports come together on a common interest and let other societal issues filter out to be addressed elsewhere, where they are more appropriately discussed and debated. 

You don't think there were racially prejudiced fans out there in the NBA's growing audience over the decades, cheering right next to the some of the people they perhaps had biases against?  You don't think that was part of what led to a less racially biased America than there was before? 

If you say there is no neutral place then that really suggests a refusal on your part to find common ground. It's my way or the highway talk. 
Instead of fans finding a common place to get to know each other then taking their disagreements to the water cooler, or to peaceful protests and designated political forums, you're saying they have to focus on disagreements everywhere, all the time?  That's absurd and dangerous.  Dodgy

Not what I said or meant at all  but carry on. Do you think the same people that watched the NBA games together will stop now that the league is supporting the BLM movement? If that´s the case your point about a less racially biased America is invalid.
Have you ever wondered why we aren´t making any progress when it comes to the currently discussed civil right issues? Because people like to ignore them. As long as they don´t impact their every day routine they don´t act. That´s one of the reasons why big protests or strikes work.
It´s not a suprise that some people want to single out the NBA for a political agenda. It is a players league dominated by strong and independent black man. Wonder why no one is calling out NASCAR or the NFL. As far as I know Colin Kaepernick still hasn´t found a team

Quote:Because people like to ignore them. As long as they don´t impact their every day routine they don´t act. That´s one of the reasons why big protests or strikes work.

Does that mean you think all the big protests we have in recent months and strikes and boycotts haven't been in people's face enough?  You think they're ignoring the rioting, looting, burning and even killing that's been accompanying it all too? 
That's not impacting their lives but missing some NBA games is going to make them start doing something I guess?  Seriously?  
BTW is anyone going to boycott over some of the lives that continue to be murdered in the riots?  Some of them are black too. Does that make a difference? 

Quote:It´s not a suprise that some people want to single out the NBA for a political agenda.

Hmm, I'm not sure who the they are that are ignoring things nor do I think it's clear who some people are in your above statement. Shy
How is it singling out the NBA when the NBA is choosing to use game time and officially taking positions that are politically charged?  I'm a basketball and NBA fan and I'm much more sympathetic than you might imagine to the strong feelings about racially charged violent incidents.  In this case though, its more than racial equality being pushed.  Other agendas are being attached and the NBA is singling itself out essentially saying we will be a political organization. 

Every player and executive and owner in the NBA has the same exact rights to protest that each of us do in every venue and method available to us all, including protests and boycotts.  
IF however a privately owned publicly accessible business officially takes sides and positions that makes it political organization, in no way neutral as an organization.   Sure, they have a right to do that too, but then shouldn't they should be classified as a political organization, with all the legal ramifications? 

Quote: It is a players league dominated by strong and independent black man.

I am one those black men btw, and I don't follow NASCAR, (other than as a video game) so not sure what you're getting at there.  Undecided
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(08-28-2020, 04:41 PM)ThunderMav Wrote: Hmmm

Low information non-voters
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(08-28-2020, 04:01 PM)Dahlsim Wrote: Does that mean you think all the big protests we have in recent months and strikes and boycotts haven't been in people's face enough?  You think they're ignoring the rioting, looting, burning and even killing that's been accompanying it all too? 
That's not impacting their lives but missing some NBA games is going to make them start doing something I guess?  Seriously?  
BTW is anyone going to boycott over some of the lives that continue to be murdered in the riots?  Some of them are black too. Does that make a difference? 

Honestly...Yes. I think many people in this country have developed a political numbness and just don´t care but looking at the reactions around the country and even on this board the NBA boycott certainly gets attention. That´s exactly how it should work.
Victims of racist attacks and targeting cannot choose when or where it happens but the rest of the country gets to choose when, where or if they want to think about it all? Not gone happen.

(08-28-2020, 04:01 PM)Dahlsim Wrote: Every player and executive and owner in the NBA has the same exact rights to protest that each of us do in every venue and method available to us all, including protests and boycotts.  
IF however a privately owned publicly accessible business officially takes sides and positions that makes it political organization, in no way neutral as an organization.   Sure, they have a right to do that too, but then shouldn't they should be classified as a political organization, with all the legal ramifications? 

And that´s what I have been telling you all along. There is no neutrality. The NBA just like any other sports league or big company has a political agenda. That´s nothing new. If you want to classify them as an political organization you need to do the same with every single private owned company, club or organization.
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One other thing is odd about this boycott.  Who boycotts their own business?  I never heard of people who work for a business boycotting their own business.  It just seems really odd to me.
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(08-29-2020, 04:56 PM)mtrot Wrote: Who boycotts their own business?  

It's called a strike. If you boycott your employer, then it's a strike.

A consumer boycotts. An employee strikes. I have no idea why the media is using this incorrect term.
14x All-Star, 12x all-NBA, 1x MVP, 1x Finals MVP, 1 NBA Championship: Dirk Nowitzki, the man, the myth, the legend.
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(08-29-2020, 05:22 PM)SleepingHero Wrote:
(08-29-2020, 04:56 PM)mtrot Wrote: Who boycotts their own business?

It's called a strike. If you boycott your employer, then it's a strike.

A consumer boycotts. An employee strikes. I have no idea why the media is using this incorrect term.

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(08-29-2020, 05:22 PM)SleepingHero Wrote:
(08-29-2020, 04:56 PM)mtrot Wrote: Who boycotts their own business?  

It's called a strike. If you boycott your employer, then it's a strike.

A consumer boycotts. An employee strikes. I have no idea why the media is using this incorrect term.
They rarely make mistakes like this, and messaging usually comes from the top. My guess is they don’t want there to be positive connotations with the word strike. Corporations fear strikes way more than boycotts.
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Well, I hope the league is happy with the result of their constant banging their viewership over their heads about BLM and social justice activism.  Interesting article:

"A new Harris Poll backs Trump’s critique of the NBA, with 39% of sports fans saying they are watching fewer games. And the chief reason why? Politics."
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You don't say! I have opted out of the rest of the playoffs. I might watch highlights if something interesting happens.
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(08-28-2020, 04:41 PM)ThunderMav Wrote:

How many are eligible to vote? How many are practically hindered to vote by stone-age voting procedures in the US? Does "NBA player" include 108 of 450 that come from a foreign country? Just love those one sentence "stats".
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(09-05-2020, 07:39 AM)Halfnir Wrote:
(08-28-2020, 04:41 PM)ThunderMav Wrote:

How many are eligible to vote? How many are practically hindered to vote by stone-age voting procedures in the US? Does "NBA player" include 108 of 450 that come from a foreign country? Just love those one sentence "stats".

Well, I am not really educated about the original topic, but I think many of those foreign NBA players has acquired citizenship, whether those who have been in US for too long, or those who has American decent like Simmons.
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Total collapse.  I have not watched one bit of BB since the restart bubble.  My team is dead to me.  NBA is down almost 70% so I am not alone.  A playoff game got 6mil and Bama CFB reg season got 4.8mil.  Amazing how NBA let 1 person (Lebron) ruin the sport forever.  They will never fully recover from this.  Small markets will not be able to sustain.  I can see them losing 4 or so teams maybe even more in the next 3-5 years.  They messed up bigtime supporting a marxist organization and disrespecting our flag yet fawning over China.  

Too bad.  Doncic is a star yet no one will be watching in numbers.  But the league and players and owners brought this in so I won’t feel sorry.
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(10-06-2020, 01:34 PM)ThunderMav Wrote: marxist

[Image: tenor.gif]
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Well...if your political leanings are preventing you from watching the NBA it is your loss. You missed some great games.
The league has been in a good financial situation prior to the corona crisis. Many owners actually made money in the last few months. Only a few (Rockets, Suns,  Timberwolves) are facing some problems.

Overall the TV ratings aren´t as good as they were a few years ago but your agenda prevents you from looking at the bigger picture.

- Bubble games without fans might not be as entertaining
- Finals matchup isn´t competitive
- NBA games played in the summer with unsual tip off times and a packed schedule
- NFL, MLB and NBA games at the same time, a Nuggets game won´t get the same viewer numbers vs the prime time NFL game
- More people are switching away from traditional cable TV
- It´s an election year
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I love the NBA and their product. It really doesn’t even occur to me to analyze how I feel about their politics, tbh. I couldn’t care less. If I want to spend some time obsessing over what’s going on in the world, the NBA isn’t among the first 50 sources of information that come to mind. 

Having said that, I’m sure there are people in this country who aren’t fortunate enough to have grown up in situations where they were exposed to even the most basic knowledge of how our political system works, and those people might actually benefit from seeing that their sports heroes care about what’s going on in the world. 

The current NBA has got to be the biggest concentration of black American wealth ever. You might not agree with their views on how to solve problems in this country, but the idea that they’re actively trying to use their success and influence to help people is fine with me. They’re trying to give back. If it continues, they might find more and more effective ways of doing so. If nothing else, it’s going to get more of the disgruntled poor involved in the system. That’s the entire point of democracy, is it not? 

If people want to deny themselves the joy of watching the best athletes on the planet play the coolest sport on the planet because they dislike being reminded that the athletes are PEOPLE, then I suppose that’s their prerogative. It’s not going to stop me from enjoying every second of this Luka Doncic era.
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