Players boycott games | Playoffs resume Saturday - Printable Version

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RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - Kammrath - 08-26-2020

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - FunkBoreland - 08-26-2020

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - Kammrath - 08-26-2020

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - BigDirk41 - 08-26-2020

I think the season will be cancelled tomorrow and it's probably best at this point. That way the players can focus on what they think is important to them and the fans can do the same and move on until next season. The ratings have been down significantly so that may make it easier to just call it a season and regroup next season.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - HoosierDaddyKid - 08-26-2020

(08-26-2020, 05:59 PM)fifteenth Wrote:
(08-26-2020, 05:48 PM)HoosierDaddyKid Wrote: What happened to my response Fif? Did you delete it? It's no where to be found.

I did. You responded to mtrot with the same kind of thing that I asked him not to do.

(08-26-2020, 05:50 PM)omahen Wrote: Sorry, but you are a bit impartial here, a bit of using your admin position to provide your take on the subject. This is only one of possible interpretations as a lot of other stuff was alegedly happening before that specific thing described. Knives, tazers used with no effect, gun threats from the victim and similar were mentioned. So it is very unfair at this point to say this was just a walk to a car. I guess this unknown/unconfirmed facts make many of us wonder, whether this case was perhaps overblown due to a bit sensationalistic media reporting, that didn't adequately provide all the available facts.

Fair enough. My bad.

You could have moved it to the respective section. You didn't have to delete it. My opinion is just as worthy as anyone else on here.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - fifteenth - 08-26-2020

(08-26-2020, 10:27 PM)HoosierDaddyKid Wrote:
(08-26-2020, 05:59 PM)fifteenth Wrote:
(08-26-2020, 05:48 PM)HoosierDaddyKid Wrote: What happened to my response Fif? Did you delete it? It's no where to be found.

I did. You responded to mtrot with the same kind of thing that I asked him not to do.

(08-26-2020, 05:50 PM)omahen Wrote: Sorry, but you are a bit impartial here, a bit of using your admin position to provide your take on the subject. This is only one of possible interpretations as a lot of other stuff was alegedly happening before that specific thing described. Knives, tazers used with no effect, gun threats from the victim and similar were mentioned. So it is very unfair at this point to say this was just a walk to a car. I guess this unknown/unconfirmed facts make many of us wonder, whether this case was perhaps overblown due to a bit sensationalistic media reporting, that didn't adequately provide all the available facts.

Fair enough. My bad.

You could have moved it to the respective section. You didn't have to delete it. My opinion is just as worthy as anyone else on here.

You're right. I apologize. I could have handled that better. I'll use this as a learning experience. Sorry it was at your expense.

Funny thing is that I pretty much agreed with you.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - Kammrath - 08-26-2020

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - IamDougieFresh - 08-27-2020

Too bad. It looks like the power tripping ref infested, who can wear the most cringe shit on the back of their jersey, fake LeChina title run bubble playoff is coming to an end.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - omahen - 08-27-2020

I wonder what kind of financial implications potential ending of the season brings. It is one thing to end the season because of a natural disaster and totally another because of the boycott. A simple example - I paid yearly subscription for League pass and I am certainly not happy paying, while not getting the service delivered. I paid for basketball and would like at least part of my money back, because players chose to rather involve in discussing politics. I guess TV networks who paid billions for TV rights might feel the same. Actions have reactions.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - dirkfansince1998 - 08-27-2020

(08-27-2020, 01:15 AM)omahen Wrote: I wonder what kind of financial implications potential ending of the season brings. It is one thing to end the season because of a natural disaster and totally another because of the boycott. A simple example - I paid yearly subscription for League pass and I am certainly not happy paying, while not getting the service delivered. I paid for basketball and would like at least part of my money back, because players chose to rather involve in discussing politics. I guess TV networks who paid billions for TV rights might feel the same. Actions have reactions.

Cannot find the tweet right now but I think they mentioned 15-35% loss of revenue.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - omahen - 08-27-2020

(08-27-2020, 01:25 AM)dirkfansince1998 Wrote: Cannot find the tweet right now but I think they mentioned 15-35% loss of revenue.

Good, thanks.

I managed to think about it and I know better now, why am I so hugely dissapointed. I invested a lot in this BASKETBALL season on a personal level. It was my main hobby, spend a lot of time thinking about it, spend some 80 nights watching Dallas play (being from Europe) and spend money on different subscriptions. Now all of these feels waisted, because players decided to use basketball platform to promote political issues. I am so dissapointed and I feel cheated. I will be certainly much less engaged next season. As I am a person that really commits to everything I am doing, it might result that I basically unfollow basketball totally and find a different hobby. You know, how do I know that players won't choose the basketball platform to promote world peace next season.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - Derek Nowitzki - 08-27-2020

I’m not a smart man, and I’m a white non-America, so I can only give my thoughts on this as a true outsider, but here goes:

Firstly, well done Fifteenth, I think you’ve moderately this thread very well, politely dealing with some people who are being deliberately difficult. It’s such an emotive topic, and I think it’s clear what you’re trying to achieve.

To the people asking what you’re allowed to say, I think Fif’s point is that this is principally a forum for basketball, and specifically the Mavericks. I think we’ve got a good community here, and share the same passion. It’s ok to disagree with topics related to the Mavs, because we’re all on the same team at the end of the day. When you start getting into these divisive political discussions, that’s when people start to get emotional, and we don’t want to introduce elements into the forum that are going to create non-basketball related factions, because that’s the stuff that makes people leave, and we want to keep people here. Unfortunately this is an issue that spans various topics, so I think Fif is happy for things to get discussed politely with regards to the NBA, but if you want to give an opinion related to bigger topics, that has the possibility to anger others... let’s just leave it, and keep things politically vanilla.

To the people asking “What is this justice they speak of? What are the specific changes that they’re asking for?” I can’t be sure, but I believe it’s a change in attitude they want. Legally, I’m pretty sure there are no differences between being white and a minority, so you’re right, it’s hard to think any legislative changes are going to do any good... so it has to come from people’s hearts and views. For example, when I first heard about this shooting, I thought “let’s hear the facts first”, but then I realised, the man got shot SEVEN times in the back... realistically, what could he have been doing to warrant SEVEN shots? I think they want people to change their thoughts on whether this is an acceptable thing we’re happy to live with.

To the people complaining that teams are jumping to conclusions and putting messages out there without hearing ‘the facts’ first, I understand your point, and I’d completely agree with you... if this was an isolated event; the point being though, is that it’s not. Especially at this specific time, there are just so many cases of black people being killed, it’s something that needs to be talked about and highlighted.

I hope nobody was offended by any of this, just wanted to try to give my personal (probably uninformed) answer to some of the questions people have asked. And most importantly, go Mavs!! Smile

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - dirkfansince1998 - 08-27-2020

(08-27-2020, 02:19 AM)omahen Wrote:
(08-27-2020, 01:25 AM)dirkfansince1998 Wrote: Cannot find the tweet right now but I think they mentioned 15-35% loss of revenue.

Good, thanks.

I managed to think about it and I know better now, why am I so hugely dissapointed. I invested a lot in this BASKETBALL season on a personal level. It was my main hobby, spend a lot of time thinking about it, spend some 80 nights watching Dallas play (being from Europe) and spend money on different subscriptions. Now all of these feels waisted, because players decided to use basketball platform to promote political issues. I am so dissapointed and I feel cheated. I will be certainly much less engaged next season. As I am a person that really commits to everything I am doing, it might result that I basically unfollow basketball totally and find a different hobby. You know, how do I know that players won't choose the basketball platform to promote world peace next season.

Agree on the time investement when you are trying to watch from europe. I have the same problem. It feels great to be back in Germany but watching the Mavs is pricy (league pass) and time consuming (tip off is usually after midnight).
I understand that a cancelled season would be disappointing but some things are bigger than sport events. People like to pretend that sport and politics can exist without any overlap or interference but that has never been the case. It might be possible to enter a bubble to hide from a virus. It is not possible to hide from social issues that affect the entire nation.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - omahen - 08-27-2020

(08-27-2020, 05:46 AM)dirkfansince1998 Wrote: but some things are bigger than sport events

Sure they are. But I used NBA platform to watch and discuss basketball. As a political platform it has absolutely no value to me, I use other platforms for that. I am sure plenty of others share same view, so I think NBA and everyone involved will feel this greatly. This will also greatly reduce the political capital and influence the players have. 

Putting political activism in front of their "job", was a mistake imho. Jesse Owens didn't boycott 1936 olympics to protest against nazism - he used the platform to protest.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - DanSchwartzgan - 08-27-2020

(08-27-2020, 01:15 AM)omahen Wrote: I wonder what kind of financial implications potential ending of the season brings. It is one thing to end the season because of a natural disaster and totally another because of the boycott.   

I guess TV networks who paid billions for TV rights might feel the same. Actions have reactions.

As most here know, the CBA is subject to renegotiation with a deadline that was moved to the fall.  Escrow of 10% was changed to 35% with the idea that players and owners could true up once season revenues were more known.  If the rest of the season is gone, the 35% won't cover owner losses.  It probably won't be close.  That is going to make it very difficult to hold the CBA together.  Owners, having already taken a bath for one season, are going to want more protections. 

Cap and Tax numbers are set based on revenues.  All of the talk about whether the cap would stay close to 19/20 levels in 20/21 and whether some smoothing technique might be employed for future seasons has to be negotiated.  If an agreement can't be reached, then the owners will either have to void the CBA or allow a massive drop in cap/tax numbers.  And how exactly are the networks going to react.  The NBA can't just say "sorry".  They have a contract to put on a product and have proven the product can be put on.  This is a willful breech of contract that could dig an even deeper hole for owners.  

If the rest of the season is cancelled, it doesn't feel to me like the atmosphere between owners and players is likely to be conciliatory.  If I'm an owner, I view the players as purposefully taking money out of my pockets.  If players (or some faction of players) feel empowered enough to take this step, is it likely someone is going to be able to bring this group together?  In the current atmosphere, it will be VERY challenging to put Humpty Dumpty (the CBA) back together again. 

I have to wonder if the Buck's players thought it might get away from them to this extent.  I'm sure they felt the need to "do something".  A one game forfeit or postponement probably seemed like an appropriate statement.  But, they no longer control this.  It appears the Lakers and Clippers do.  I wonder how Giannis will feel if his super-max doesn't happen (who is to say the super-max concept survives in a new CBA).  Many have speculated Milwaukee needs to win a championship to keep him.  That won't happen sitting at home.  The Golden Goose is at risk here from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  Hopefully calmer heads will prevail and the George Hill's and Sterling Brown's of the world will realize that once they leave Orlando their voice is diminished.  Strategic thinking would focus on the goal and work back to the steps to get there.  Cancelling the season, if it happens, feels like focusing on the steps and hoping they somehow accomplish the goal.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - fifteenth - 08-27-2020

I wish the rest of players didn't feel like they have to follow Lebron, or follow the Clippers. I wish they didn't all think they have to think the same thing. If all the teams voted to keep playing, except the Lakers and Clippers, then let each of the Lakers and Clippers forfeit their playoff series.

(08-27-2020, 04:04 AM)Derek Nowitzki Wrote: I’m not a smart man, and I’m a white non-America, so I can only give my thoughts on this as a true outsider, but here goes:

Firstly, well done Fifteenth, I think you’ve moderately this thread very well, politely dealing with some people who are being deliberately difficult. It’s such an emotive topic, and I think it’s clear what you’re trying to achieve.

To the people asking what you’re allowed to say, I think Fif’s point is that this is principally a forum for basketball, and specifically the Mavericks. I think we’ve got a good community here, and share the same passion. It’s ok to disagree with topics related to the Mavs, because we’re all on the same team at the end of the day. When you start getting into these divisive political discussions, that’s when people start to get emotional, and we don’t want to introduce elements into the forum that are going to create non-basketball related factions, because that’s the stuff that makes people leave, and we want to keep people here. Unfortunately this is an issue that spans various topics, so I think Fif is happy for things to get discussed politely with regards to the NBA, but if you want to give an opinion related to bigger topics, that has the possibility to anger others... let’s just leave it, and keep things politically vanilla.

To the people asking “What is this justice they speak of? What are the specific changes that they’re asking for?” I can’t be sure, but I believe it’s a change in attitude they want. Legally, I’m pretty sure there are no differences between being white and a minority, so you’re right, it’s hard to think any legislative changes are going to do any good... so it has to come from people’s hearts and views. For example, when I first heard about this shooting, I thought “let’s hear the facts first”, but then I realised, the man got shot SEVEN times in the back... realistically, what could he have been doing to warrant SEVEN shots? I think they want people to change their thoughts on whether this is an acceptable thing we’re happy to live with.

To the people complaining that teams are jumping to conclusions and putting messages out there without hearing ‘the facts’ first, I understand your point, and I’d completely agree with you... if this was an isolated event; the point being though, is that it’s not. Especially at this specific time, there are just so many cases of black people being killed, it’s something that needs to be talked about and highlighted.

I hope nobody was offended by any of this, just wanted to try to give my personal (probably uninformed) answer to some of the questions people have asked. And most importantly, go Mavs!! Smile

Thanks for the thoughts, DN. I'd do it differently if it happened again. I don't actually want to stop people from talking about issues outside of basketball. This community has had some really great conversations about topics outside of basketball. I just thought that it should happen in different threads. I thought that if an argument about the details of the shooting broke out that it would take away from a good thread about the players potentially boycotting.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - Derek Nowitzki - 08-27-2020

(08-27-2020, 08:05 AM)fifteenth Wrote: I wish the rest of players didn't feel like they have to follow Lebron, or follow the Clippers. I wish they didn't all think they have to think the same thing. If all the teams voted to keep playing, except the Lakers and Clippers, then let each of the Lakers and Clippers forfeit their playoff series.

(08-27-2020, 04:04 AM)Derek Nowitzki Wrote: I’m not a smart man, and I’m a white non-America, so I can only give my thoughts on this as a true outsider, but here goes:

Firstly, well done Fifteenth, I think you’ve moderately this thread very well, politely dealing with some people who are being deliberately difficult. It’s such an emotive topic, and I think it’s clear what you’re trying to achieve.

To the people asking what you’re allowed to say, I think Fif’s point is that this is principally a forum for basketball, and specifically the Mavericks. I think we’ve got a good community here, and share the same passion. It’s ok to disagree with topics related to the Mavs, because we’re all on the same team at the end of the day. When you start getting into these divisive political discussions, that’s when people start to get emotional, and we don’t want to introduce elements into the forum that are going to create non-basketball related factions, because that’s the stuff that makes people leave, and we want to keep people here. Unfortunately this is an issue that spans various topics, so I think Fif is happy for things to get discussed politely with regards to the NBA, but if you want to give an opinion related to bigger topics, that has the possibility to anger others... let’s just leave it, and keep things politically vanilla.

To the people asking “What is this justice they speak of? What are the specific changes that they’re asking for?” I can’t be sure, but I believe it’s a change in attitude they want. Legally, I’m pretty sure there are no differences between being white and a minority, so you’re right, it’s hard to think any legislative changes are going to do any good... so it has to come from people’s hearts and views. For example, when I first heard about this shooting, I thought “let’s hear the facts first”, but then I realised, the man got shot SEVEN times in the back... realistically, what could he have been doing to warrant SEVEN shots? I think they want people to change their thoughts on whether this is an acceptable thing we’re happy to live with.

To the people complaining that teams are jumping to conclusions and putting messages out there without hearing ‘the facts’ first, I understand your point, and I’d completely agree with you... if this was an isolated event; the point being though, is that it’s not. Especially at this specific time, there are just so many cases of black people being killed, it’s something that needs to be talked about and highlighted.

I hope nobody was offended by any of this, just wanted to try to give my personal (probably uninformed) answer to some of the questions people have asked. And most importantly, go Mavs!! Smile

Thanks for the thoughts, DN. I'd do it differently if it happened again. I don't actually want to stop people from talking about issues outside of basketball. This community has had some really great conversations about topics outside of basketball. I just thought that it should happen in different threads. I thought that if an argument about the details of the shooting broke out that it would take away from a good thread about the players potentially boycotting.

Agreed. I personally feel that the most important thing in a community such as this, is ‘civility’. If we have that, then as far as I’m concerned, nothing is off limits.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - BigDirk41 - 08-27-2020

I will be curious to see how the players react when this starts affecting their money. It's easy to do all this and stand up for what they believe when the owners are behind them, but the owners are not going to be behind that after severe financial losses that Dan implicated could be coming if they don't come to a solution. The playoff ratings were already down 40% which shows people don't care for politics in sports imo. There's other factors, but it's hard to deny this has turned away a lot of people. There is no way the NBA is getting a more valuable TV deal after this stuff and it expires soon is what I've been reading. At what point do the owners say enough is enough. Let's play basketball. I really think they are close to doing something they can't fix. Time will tell.

WOJ is reporting they have agrees to resume the playoffs.

That was some boycott. It didn't even last 24 hours.

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - ClutchDirk - 08-27-2020

NBA players reportedly decided to resume the postseason at the Walt Disney World Resort following their protest in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski reported players decided during a meeting Thursday to continue the playoffs, but discussions are ongoing about when games will resume. 

RE: Players boycott games | All Game 5's are postponed and will be rescheduled - fifteenth - 08-27-2020

To Thunder and others. I'm all for a discussion about the Jacob Blake shooting and aftermath. I started a thread for that purpose so that this thread could remain about the player boycott/strike. 

Here ya go: