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The Athletic: Inside the Mavericks front office, Mark Cuban’s shadow GM…
What if the source is Cuban?  Trying to recall how the Nelly vs Cubes relationship ended?  Maybe Mark wants someone to resign so he doesn't have to pay them?   

Too far fetched, right?
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(06-14-2021, 01:47 PM)SleepingHero Wrote: It doesn't make sense. But Cuban is going all out on damage control.

I can't imagine any kind of different reaction, if the article is true or not. If not it is total bullshit, if true, there is no way Cuban will admit it is correct. It also has to be noted, that Cuban is always protecting the team - either KP, coach or Luka.

I have a general scepticism about any news piece, although I do agree that Cato looks like a stand up guy who probably wouldn't publish something like that without getting confirmation from several sources. 

 There are several possibilities:
1. Info might be coming from third parties wanting to create a rift within Mavs. Based on how I think about Cato I find this unlikely.
2. So the alternative is info is coming from within. It may be either Luka camp (personally I doubt) or there is internal power struggle. If latter, guys behind it should really fear about their jobs as Cubes can very likely narrow down the potential sources pretty accurately. There is no way you can win a battle against the owner using media, unless you are Luka - he is the only untouchable one. And also - people who chose this kind of way to fight a battle should not be on the team. This is not good, no matter if the intention is good.

Several interesting things in the piece (not defending Vulgaris, but also don't want to just accept anything at face value without really carefully reading):
- Voulgaris is supposed to be the big analytics guy behind (for example) signing Wright who should start next to Luka. Sure Wright didn't work out, but he also didn't start next to Luka. Same as Moneyball - moves didn't work until coach put them into life. Voulgaris plan actually wasn't executed and one could claim he was "sabotaged". This bit also goes against supposed power Vulgaris had in defining rotations. If he would had such an overwhelming power, Wright would be starting next to Luka. So several contradicting statements just in this example.
- Wright is basically the only player failure credited solely to Vulgaris. All the rest of moves were made by Nelson (Voulgaris approved). So it doesn't seem like FO would go a very different way without him.
- draft picks are second obvious failure credited to Voulgaris. But one could argue we haven't really see nearly enough from them to gather an opinion. 

I am really looking forward how this will end. I would expect two ways:
- either everything stays quiet and goes away as total bullshit (perhaps Cuban and Voulgaris agree to part ways because Voulgaris has some greater goals in some other job) or
- Cuban cleans up the FO
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(06-14-2021, 02:17 PM)Mavs2021 Wrote: Good? This sounds awful.

Right, I don't think Donnie and Rick have failed yet
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I will say this...Cuban has historically valued a tight ship on information, so this year with the "problems with Luka and KP" out there and now this, he's got to be furious if this did come from inside and he hasn't changed his values on info leaks.

MIght want to look at recently fired employees or recent coaches who are no longer here....just.....sayin'
"There are no friends on the court." - Luka Doncic
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(06-14-2021, 02:34 PM)TXBamanut Wrote: MIght want to look at recently fired employees or recent coaches who are no longer here....just.....sayin'

One name comes to mind immediately - Tony Ronzone. But I have a hard time believing Cato would just write a story from him without confirming it from other sources.
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(06-14-2021, 11:31 AM)BasketballJones41 Wrote: It sounds like he operates like a douche. I can’t believe Cuban gave this guy that much power. I guess now we know that the last two years weren’t Donnie‘s fault.
I'd say, now we know, what the MBT wants us to know. Voulgaris is the scapegoat and Donnie thought to not be responsible for the decisions. Noone can tell me, Voulgaris had more power than Donnie, I won't believe that
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(06-14-2021, 03:02 PM)Thukydides Wrote: now we know, what the MBT wants us to know. Voulgaris is the scapegoat

Are you suggesting the MBT leaked this whole thing on their own? Cuban included?
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(06-14-2021, 03:05 PM)Kammrath Wrote: Are you suggesting the MBT leaked this whole thing on their own? Cuban included?
Yes. I listened to so many podcasts with Voulgaris back when he was on Simmons' pod a lot. No way he trades Seth for J-Rich, if he was in charge. Just no way.
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(06-14-2021, 03:08 PM)Thukydides Wrote: No way he trades Seth for J-Rich, if he was in charge. Just no way.

The article said he signed off on that move, not that it was his call. Also, why wouldn't he sign off on it?

Wonder if he really believed in TBey (an analytics darling)? Wonder if he really believed in capspace? Wonder if he saw that despite Seth's positives he also has real liabilities?
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(06-14-2021, 02:38 PM)omahen Wrote: One name comes to mind immediately - Tony Ronzone. But I have a hard time believing Cato would just write a story from him without confirming it from other sources.


But even if Ronzone is the just the first source who doesn't care about kicking the anthill, I think it's pretty obvious that the article is written from the perspective of a disgruntled employee in the scouting department who sees analytics as a threat to his personal influence in the organization. Voulgaris is a weirdly obscure guy to single out for a hit piece, and IMO "Luka hates him" is really just a brief headline-worthy premise for an article full of mundane corporate political backstabbing. Right or wrong, I have a feeling it isn't going to end well for the person or persons who thought this would somehow help their cause.

That said, one way or another Cuban really needs to clean up his organization.
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Overall take:

This article does not make me think Voulgaris is incompetent nor RC nor Donnie. It makes me think that the singular problem is that there is no clear leadership and hierarchy in the Mavs organization. Things are too ambiguously collaborative in the MBT. Lots of inputs are GREAT, but if you don't have clear leadership that distills those inputs in a single, united direction then you are setting yourself up for disaster.

Luka, RC, Voulgaris, and Donnie are all great in their own ways. But they are all different and the sum of their parts is not being guided into something greater, but is chaotically devolving into something worse.

DAL team building needs to be stream lined under clear leadership. Yes, leadership that welcomes LOTS of inputs, but strong leadership that can say "yes" and "no" and bring all that together into a greater whole.
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Also surprised this bit isn't getting much attention:

Quote:During the season, it was believed Carlisle’s future could be reconsidered following the season, partly due to a belief Doncic had tuned him out.

“It was very much up in the air,” one source with intimate knowledge of the situation said.
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RE: The Article's Sources

The article does not read to me like a mouthpiece for any single source. It feels like a legitimately solid piece of journalism that is piecing together lots of differing sources and trying to make sense of the DAL front office dysfunction. I definitely agree with those who think Duffy is one of those voices though.
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(06-14-2021, 03:22 PM)Kammrath Wrote: Overall take:

This article does not make me think Voulgaris is incompetent nor RC nor Donnie. It makes me think that the singular problem is that there is no clear leadership and hierarchy in the Mavs organization. Things are too ambiguously collaborative in the MBT. Lots of inputs are GREAT, but if you don't have clear leadership that distills those inputs in a single, united direction then you are setting yourself up for disaster.

Luka, RC, Voulgaris, and Donnie are all great in their own ways. But they are all different and the sum of their parts is not being guided into something greater, but is chaotically devolving into something worse.

DAL team building needs to be stream lined under clear leadership. Yes, leadership that welcomes LOTS of inputs, but strong leadership that can say "yes" and "no" and bring all that together into a greater whole.

Great post K. You get deep here to the very core of the issue in my opinion. Lots of great parts but do they all fit together? That is the question.

But one thing is clear. Luka as individual part far exceeds anything else what we have on the team. He is potentially MJ or Lebron impact player.

Its great to look at Luka how he won his championships in europe. He is even better when playing with experienced veterans. Because he himself understands the experienced ones and can play with those high bbIQ players even better. Chris Paul next to Luka for instance would have been exactly what you mention that sum is greater than the individual parts. Cant say that about Jrich. He doesnt understand the complexity that Luka operates with. So doesnt Wright. And Vulgaris neither maybe? Just because he can bet, it doesnt mean he understands the level of complexity Luka is at. And if he doesnt understands that, he cant predict what is best for the Mavs. That Luka ia angry at him might underscore that.

My impression has always been to surround experienced players around Luka. The very few that do understand his complex basketball genius. Then we will get the sum is greater than the parts. Chris Paul. Vucevic. Jokic (not possibility i know). The game would get to a completely new level.

All i see now is Luka playing at a level that the rest of the team cant match. Luka continously creates open lanes for others that they dont know how to use well. Give those creases in defense to experienced players and we would see what would happen.

KP doesnt understand the chess game Luka plays for instance. Thats key part of the issues with the team. They dont fit well. They play different games IMO. Luka plays chessgame basketball ans adjusts all the time depending on the defensive looks while KP plays a different game.

We need bbIQ and veterans that know how to play the game. They have to match and fit.
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First, it was the whole sexual harassment thing a few years back, now this. The Mavs can't seem to stay out of the news especially when it's negative.
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(06-14-2021, 03:49 PM)burekemde Wrote: Great post K. You get deep here to the very core of the issue in my opinion. Lots of great parts but do they all fit together? That is the question.

But one thing is clear. Luka as individual part far exceeds anything else what we have on the team. He is potentially MJ or Lebron impact player.

Its great to look at Luka how he won his championships in europe. He is even better when playing with experienced veterans. Because he himself understands the experienced ones and can play with those high bbIQ players even better. Chris Paul next to Luka for instance would have been exactly what you mention that sum is greater than the individual parts. Cant say that about Jrich. He doesnt understand the complexity that Luka operates with. So doesnt Wright. And Vulgaris neither maybe? Just because he can bet, it doesnt mean he understands the level of complexity Luka is at. And if he doesnt understands that, he cant predict what is best for the Mavs. That Luka ia angry at him might underscore that.

My impression has always been to surround experienced players around Luka. The very few that do understand his complex basketball genius. Then we will get the sum is greater than the parts. Chris Paul. Vucevic. Jokic (not possibility i know). The game would get to a completely new level.

All i see now is Luka playing at a level that the rest of the team cant match. Luka continously creates open lanes for others that they dont know how to use well. Give those creases in defense to experienced players and we would see what would happen.

KP doesnt understand the chess game Luka plays for instance. Thats key part of the issues with the team. They dont fit well. They play different games IMO. Luka plays chessgame basketball ans adjusts all the time depending on the defensive looks while KP plays a different game.

We need bbIQ and veterans that know how to play the game. They have to match and fit.

After reading this, I love the idea of going after Butler, if there's any chance Miami would give him up (or if he demanded a trade...).
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I learned everything I needed to know about what Carlisle is like to work with during Dirk's farewell event after his last home game.  With Bird, Barkley, Kemp, etc., all on the stage, RC was serving as the emcee.  At one point RC's teen daughter came up and said how much she loved Dirk, which was cute.  However, when she was finished she stayed on stage, standing in front of a gaggle of photographers and videographers who were strategically positioned to record the moment.  After a few moments a Mavs PR guy approached the daughter and asked that she move back.  She was too "in the moment" to respond.  So the PR guy, while RC wasn't speaking, asked him if he would have his daughter step back.  Rick turned around and visibly snapped at him saying, "Lighten up.  Chill out."  The PR guy, just trying to do his job, stood there for a moment, sheepishly, before walking away.  And the daughter just awkwardly, unnecessarily remained in front of the cameramen.

Here was essentially a "team" setting, with team personnel trying to do the best possible job, but Rick's gonna Rick for his ego.
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(06-14-2021, 04:36 PM)RasheedsBigWhiteSpot Wrote: Rick's gonna Rick for his ego.

Yeah, the article affirmed that RC definitely has the control issues we have all seen. But he is also TRYING to let go of certain things (good on him!!)...I just don't think it is working right now.
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(06-14-2021, 03:41 PM)Kammrath Wrote: I definitely agree with those who think Duffy is one of those voices though.
I don't know. 

Luka has always been eager to come across as a team player in the media, and has not tried to conduct campaigns against organizational policy in the press, a la KP. If our European contingent knows of a pattern of his doing so at RM, they can correct me.

The specific items cited that supposedly displeased Luka were a "calm-down" gesture, and Haralabob leaving a game 45 seconds early. Those would be uncommonly petty items to take to the press on his own, even if that were his MO. Maybe he indicated some irritation with those actions at the time, but that sounds more like someone else passing it on. This doesn't appear to be his style of confrontation. 

A local blogger would be a very weird outlet for a Duffy leak. I suppose Amick might be a little more plausible, but I don't really hear Luka or Duffy as the moving force in an article about Voulgaris that is presented as revealing a potential threat that Luka will abandon ship. Maybe one of them made a side comment or two, who knows? Sounds more like people projecting their dissatisfaction with internal dysfunction onto Luka at an imagined volcanic level, to gin up interest in their issues. 

Not to say that the dissatisfaction is unwarranted, if the charges alleged are true. Or is not important. Just that I'm not convinced Luka actually had much of a hand in this, if any.
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Rick with Luka reminds me of that vintage Twilight Zone episode with the kid with godlike powers whom all of the adults were struggling to placate and the one guy ended up turned into a jack-in-the-box at the end.

This is the one:
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