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Boban watch. was 2020 playoff Mavericks 1 Chance has almost No Chance to be Used
Mavs back in the playoffs! The match up looks turrible but still, they're back.  Nice!  Tongue
So we Mavs fans at least get to vent a while longer in the face of annihilation while enjoying Luka/KP and the boyz in the bubble bowl. 

Vent open.

The Montrezl Harrell update reminds me of my recurring point, the Mavs only have ONE real advantage against the Clippers and that is size at the rim.  Harrell is a fantastic prototypical modern NBA big.  With that sad he's literally over his head guarding KP and Bobi near the rim.  Sure if its a time here or there he'll get away with a strip or an uncalled foul, but not if the advantage is pressed at the right times.  

It's not an advantage that can carry the team all game, not at all, but when Dallas is cooking and the team has a lead they will eventually hit a Clipper defensive wall and start struggling to score and hold a lead.   
Then what?   That is when they need an inside/out old fashioned set to turn to. 

Unfortunately, as brilliant as Coach Carlisle is, he's not brilliant in this area.  He thinks the Post up is virtually or completely dead, while other teams are still mixing it in adeptly even with slow bigs like Nurkic and Jokic  who aren't whole lot faster or better defensively than Boban. 

Having an "historically great offense" that repeatedly can't hold leads is proof of the issue I continue to vent on these Carlisle Mavs.  He doesn't have it in his play book when to press that advantage.  Mavs have a lot of fire.  Luka is incredible, the Unicorn is appearing, so I expect a competitive tilt  but not enough to fight with fire against The Claw, PG13, Doc and that cast of characters. 

The Mavs would have to have some counter that the Clippers really struggle against when they need to get stops.  Its kinda like the way D'Antoni and Houston decided they'd just go all in on their strengths, giving up a very good modern center in Clint Capela (and Nene) to just make other teams try and match up with them rather than a other way around. 

They'll need Westbrook back to find out if that gamble ever pays off, but they knew they didn't have enough fire power to match up the other way with the Lakers, Clippers, Nuggets of the West. 

Coach C and his style of play really needs a WCS and Dwight Powell type to try and match up athlete for athlete with guys like Montrez and Zubac, but that won't work going small and frail against those guys when you're already playing at a disadvantage on the guards wings. 

Zubac shot 100% against the Mavs last game!  Ouch! 
Even if your guards and wings play super, you can't win getting decimated like that on the front line. 
Something isn't being done right there. 
You just can't keep giving up historic leads and then historic performances while expecting your hot shooters to make up the difference. 

Quote:Los Angeles Clippers big man Ivica Zubac finished with 20 points and 15 rebounds against the Dallas Mavericks on Thursday, all while shooting a perfect 100 percent from the field. Zubac took and made 10 shots, joining a select few of players who have put up at least 20 points and 15 rebounds while not missing a shot during an NBA game.

Sick Now Harrell too? Coach C going up against Doc R is going to have to do something different. 
It probably won't be an inside attack at the right times like I harp on, so it probably won't work, but he at least has to do something different.  We know Luka and the guys are going to get beat on. 

Find a way to give the good guys a chance against a healthy star studded Clipper team. 
C'mon coach give us a wrinkle.

Vent closed.

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Boban watch. was 2020 playoff Mavericks 1 Chance has almost No Chance to be Used - by Dahlsim - 08-15-2020, 11:51 AM

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